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Alexandra Adrian


I am Alexandra Adrian. I graduated from Wakefield School in The Plains, VA, during the Covid year of 2020. I am what they call a "lifer" since I have attended Wakefield since Kindergarten. This year has been a tough one as a 2020 senior. But following my graduation, I will be attending Ringling College of Art and Design, majoring in Computer Animation. I have always loved movies, comics, and games and I am fascinated with the worlds people can bring to life. From Marvel, Disney, and Dreamworks to Blizzard and Nintendo, I love to learn about the digital effects and animations used in their movies and video games

I took an interest in George Lucas for my thesis topic as I've always loved Star Wars. My family even owns the VHS tapes for the original trilogy. I wanted to write something about the special effects industry and as I researched the subject I found out about how much George Lucas has done for special effects as well as the entertainment industry as a whole. I felt I had to write about his achievements, as he has impacted how movies are made today and in-a-way, created the career I want to pursue.

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